
To ensure a smooth tattoo experience, there are several things to keep in mind.

Numbing Products

Although numbing products are an option, I would prefer if you refrained from using them. However, if you do choose to use a numbing cream, I recommend Hush Numbing Cream. For best results, generously apply the cream 45-60 minutes before the tattooing process begins, following the instructions on the packaging. To ensure maximum effectiveness, I suggest applying the cream and covering the area with cellophane wrap before leaving for your appointment.

IT IS CRUCIAL TO TEST THE CREAM ON YOUR SKIN BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT if you plan on using it. Please order it well in advance from Amazon and apply a small amount to an area of skin that will not be tattooed. Wrap the area with cellophane and leave it on for the full 60 minutes. Make sure you do not have an adverse reaction immediately or days after having it on your skin. You aren’t going to know if you are allergic to something until you try it, don’t let yourself learn the hard way right before a tattoo session.

What you can and should do in preparation for a tattoo session:

1. Get hydrated. Drink at least one (1) to two (2) liters of water a day. When you’re hydrated, your skin is hydrated and will be able to maintain better healing and withstand more intense sessions.

2. Lotion the area to be tattooed daily or twice daily. Again, the healthier your skin, the better the results. Please do not lotion the area on the day of the tattoo.

3. Shave & Exfoliate the area 1-3 times weekly. This is especially crucial if you have excessive hair growth, as it can impede the absorption of lotion. To avoid razor burns, use shaving cream and water during the shaving process. In the event of a razor burn, it is advisable to halt shaving for a week before your appointment. It is best to use a gentle loofah or basic body scrub when exfoliating.

4. Get a good night’s sleep the night before. Please don’t party too hard. Getting tattooed hungover is not fun for you or me.

5. Please EAT BEFORE your session. I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen pass out just because they were too nervous to eat before. This is a massive workout for your body and IT NEEDS FUEL for a big session. When you are hungry, pain management is much more difficult.

6. Bring drinks, snacks, and lunch. You probably won’t have enough time during our short breaks to leave, get food, come back, and eat it, so bring it with you! I have a microwave and a fridge at the studio for your convenience. It’s also a good idea to bring small snacks for when we take breaks.

7. If you happen to break a bone, undergo surgery or sustain any other major injuries before your appointment, please contact me ASAP.

What you SHOULD NOT DO before a tattoo session:

1. No tanning, fake tanning, chemical peels, sunburns, major cuts, or scrapes, in the area to be tattooed within a month before your session. I can’t work on freshly damaged skin…it won’t heal properly.

2. No weight lifting in or near the area to be tattooed at least 2 days before your session to prevent unnecessary swelling & soreness.

3. Avoid any heavy alcohol consumption the night before your tattoo. Even if it’s not enough to make you hungover, it could still thin your blood or cause swelling the next day.

On The Day

1. My space is cozy, small, and quaint. It is not well-suited for additional guests. Please come to your appointment alone, as I cannot comfortably accommodate multiple people in my tattoo procedure area. If you must bring someone with you, they will have to wait in the main reception area during the tattoo.

2. For safety reasons, please do not bring children or babies.

3. Dress comfortably and appropriately. Wear clothing that you don’t mind getting ink, blood, or plasma on. Be prepared for it to be cold & warm. Also, bring socks, flip-flops, or slippers to prevent walking around the studio barefoot during breaks if you will be taking your shoes off during your session.

4. You are also invited to bring your own pillow or blanket for laying or sitting on during your session.

5. Bring some form of entertainment for yourself like an iPad, Laptop, etc. with your own headphones or earbuds.

6. Please do not schedule something immediately after your tattoo. If you book a minimum three-hour session and you only sit for an hour or two hours due to time restraints, the three-hour minimum cost will still be required. It is imperative to come into your session with the proper time allotted for your scheduled session.

7. Please do not use any numbing products on the area to be tattooed outside of what I have recommended, and do not apply it without testing it beforehand.

8. Please do not come in under the influence of any drugs or alcohol. For pain, Advil and Tylenol are acceptable during your session. Benadryl may also be taken 30 minutes before the beginning of the session to minimize swelling and ease anxiety or nausea.

While You Are Getting Tattooed

1. Please be aware of cross-contamination. Do not touch your fresh tattoo during your session, and do not let anyone else touch your tattoo either!

2. Do not touch any of the tattoo equipment or workspace.

3. Talking is fine during your session, but please do not talk with your hands, nod your head, or excessively move other body parts as this can cause the area being tattooed to move as well.

4. Be mindful and do not touch any other possibly contaminated areas.

5. I accept cash and Venmo; cash is preferred. If you are unsure how much money to bring, reach out and ask!

6. Service Dogs are welcome to join you at your appointment. Colorado law and the ADA protect your right to have a service animal in public accommodations. Emotional support animals (ESAs) are not able to join you for your tattoo session. Although these animals often have therapeutic benefits, they are not covered by the ADA and Colorado’s public accommodations law. If what your service animal does isn’t obvious (not all disabilities are visible), I reserve the right to ask you only the following:

  • Whether it’s a service animal
  • What tasks the animal performs for you.

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